GPRA SOR Compliance & Regulatory Reporting

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The SOR programs focus on prevention, treatment, and recovery services for individuals affected by opioid use disorders. Working with providers, these programs aim to deliver continuous, high-quality treatment and support, which is essential for long-term recovery.

Additionally, the SOR programs emphasize efficient data collection and reporting, enabling stakeholders to access timely and accurate information. This data-driven approach informs policy decisions and optimizes resource allocation, enhancing the effectiveness of interventions and reducing opioid misuse and its devastating consequences.

Agencies overseeing these programs face challenges in adhering to data collection and reporting requirements mandated by the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA). The GPRA seeks to enhance federal agencies’ effectiveness and accountability by establishing performance goals and progress reports. 

Challenges in GPRA Compliance for Data Collection & Reporting

  • Sophisticated Survey and Data Tools:
    • Agencies must provide stakeholders including providers with survey tools that are intuitive and flexible enough to accommodate complex conditional logic across multiple checkpoints. These web-based tools require sophisticated technology platforms with a robust and secure data foundation.
  • Complexity of Data Management:
    • Agencies must collect and manage detailed patient-level data which can be resource-intensive and pose a data security risk.
    • Many agencies and providers lack the expertise to efficiently manage complex data, and existing software may not be equipped for GPRA data collection and reporting needs.
  • Provider Data Complexity
    • Capturing and managing provider data is challenging because care providers often move between different locations.
    • Multiple entities such as regional behavioral health authorities coordinate patient care.
  • Staff Turnover:
    • Administrative staff turnover may result in gaps in care delivery within the compliance window if follow-up data is not captured effectively.
  • Compliance and Reporting Requirements:
    • Keeping up with changing regulatory requirements and ensuring compliance can be challenging, particularly for smaller agencies and providers.
    • Meticulous planning and coordination are needed to meet regular reporting deadlines.

Key features of this solution include:

Our cloud-based solution increases reliability, scalability, performance,
and reduced time to market for customizations.

With prebuilt and configurable
surveys, data connectors, and reports, this solution can be quickly implemented as a hosted or on-prem application.

Our low-code solution allows for the
rapid development of customized
GPRA CSAT forms.